Dr. Angelos Pagratis ELISME speech
Ομιλία ΕΛΙΣΜΕ με τον Δρα Άγγελο Παγκράτη και θέμα “Οικονομική Διπλωματία, Παγκόσμιο Εμπόριο και Γεωπολιτικές Ανατροπές: H πορεία μετάβασης σε μια νέα παγκόσμια τάξη”
New York College and ALLILONnet Event 07/12/2022
ENERGY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND PROFESSIONAL PROSPECTS OF YOUTH (with Speed Mentoring) Tuesday 7th December, 17:00 -20:00 New York College and ALLILONnet invite you to their first
The 7th issue of our online magazine is published!
Check out our lasest issue of our online magazine «e-Άλληλον». The title of the issue is: "Linguistic literacy, Communication and culture". You may find all our issues here.
The “Ideagen EU Global Summit” in collaboration with ALLILON and ACS Athens was held with big success!
On 21/07/2022 the "Ideagen EU Global Summit" event organized by Ideagen Global "Presented Globally by Microsoft" took place with great success, in collaboration with ALLILON and ACS Athens (American Communicaty School) and the support of the American Hellenic Institute.
The 6th issue of our online magazine is published!
Check out our lasest issue of our online magazine «e-Άλληλον». The title of the issue is: "Education, training, insertion and lifelong learning". You may find all our issues here.
Event ALLILONnet & Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences)
The hybrid event of #ALLILON and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was completed with great success!! The event titled "The professional prospects of our youth in a changing world, with speed mentoring sessions", was held in two parts. The
The second event of the University of Piraeus with ALLILON was successfully held on May 9, 2022!
The online event of ALLILON and the University of Piraeus on the topic: "Professional prospects of our youth, in selected fields and speed mentoring" was successfully completed! The first part, with two panels of excellent speakers, gathered over 100
Invitation to the “Ideagen EU Global Summit” event with the participation of ALLILONnet
ALLILON invites you to attend the "Ideagen EU Global Summit" event organized by Ideagen Global "Presented Globally by Microsoft", with the participation of ALLILON and ACS Athens and the support of the American Hellenic Institute. The event will take