Each member of ALLILON can register a company or other organization as a “company member” or “organization member” or “Freelancer member” of ALLILON, if they are the owner or have a clear right to represent the company or organization. To register your organization, go to”edit profile” and fill in all the fields in the “company” section. The company-member has the right of permanent posting on our website and, after agreement with the Communication Team, postings on our Social networks, regarding its activities. The same applies to our members who are Freelancers.

In the following paragraph we refer to “company member”, but the same applies to “member organization” or “Freelancer member”

ALLILON member companies will be able to address our members and followers by posting on social networks at least once a semester.

Company representatives are encouraged to make special offers and activities for ALLILON members.

The following list includes the companies and other organizations that are members of ALLILON.

Search our company-members